
Entrepreneur are Made or Born ?

To answer the question:   Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made, you should understand  Most people  have the dream of starting a business whether it is full-time or part-time. The reason that stops them from doing it, is fear! Fear from the unknown, and in many cases financial troubles. An entrepreneur, is the person able to overcome the fear and try to realize the dream. A person with the characteristics enumerated in 1st section, and exposed to an entrepreneur as explained in section 3, would have a higher chance of becoming a businessman than a person without the enumerated characteristics, thus we can say: Entrepreneurs are Born and Made, but the Born part have a higher influence than the made part. Becoming an Entrepreneur is also possible without having the characteristics needed, but you’ll probably have to face your fears. Let’s first enumerate the characteristics needed to become an entrepreneur: 1- Should be a risk taker (even if it’s not a big risk), to actu